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Download Hotspot Shield Elite V4.15.2 Gratis

Download Hotspot Shield Elite V4.15.2 Gratis

Download Hotspot Shield Elite V4.15.2 Gratis

Hotspot Shield Elite V4.5.2

Update lagi ni Hotspot Shieldnya gan, sekarang versi terbarunya V4.15.2, lengkap dengan Cracknya. Pastinya sudah pada tau kan kegunaan dari Hotspot Shield ini?
Hotspot Shield adalah software yang dapat membantu kamu untuk mengubah IP dari jaringan kamu, sehingga saat kamu berselancar kamu menjadi seperti memakai tameng. Dengan software ini juga kamu bisa membuka web yang di blokir, seperti web Torrent, Anime, Bok*ep, Jav dll.

Apa Fungsi/Kegunaan Hotspot Shield?

  • Unblock websites
Unblock YouTube, unblock Facebook, unblock Twitter or sites at school, the library, or your office with Hotspot Shield VPN. You can bypass filters and firewalls set by your network administrator to gain access to your favorite content.
  • Anonymous surfing
Because of privacy and security concerns, you may want to browse the Web anonymously. Hotspot Shield Free VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your computer and our servers to let you conduct your online activities (visit the websites you want, make online transactions, download files) anonymously, without being tracked and spied upon.
  • Hide your IP address
The Internet is infested with spammers, snoopers, and hackers. They silently monitor your online activities and steal your sensitive data like credit card information and passwords when you least expect it. If you connect with Hotspot Shield enabled, you get a new US IP address to mask your actual IP address and surf the Internet anonymously.
  • Private & secure browsing
VPN offers an enhanced level of security online. Whenever you connect to the Internet through Hotspot Shield VPN, your data, including passwords, financial transactions and instant messages, is secured and encrypted. Additionally, your personal information is hidden from web spies.
  • Wi-Fi security
If you browse the Internet at a public Wi-Fi hotspot like the Starbucks in your town, anyone on that network can monitor and spy on your web activities. Irrespective of where you connect from, a personal VPN secures your web browsing session and keeps your private data considerably more private.
  • Malware protection - Hotspot Shield VPN will alert you if you visit sites that are known to contain malware, and then block the site. It detects and blocks more than 3.5 million malicious, phishing and spam sites from infecting your device.
Untuk cara mengaktifkan Elite versionnya sudah saya sediakan didalam, baik dalam bahasa indonesia maupun inggris.
Baiklah, bagi yang ingin memperbarui Hotspot Shieldnya silahkan didownload Hotspot Shield Elite V4.15.2 Free Incl. Crack \
Kunjungi terus BulunganSoftware.blogspot.com untuk updatean Software Full Version lainnya, jangan lupa di bookmark !!

Perhatikan langkah-langkah saat akan meng-crack Hotspot Shield ini, karena jika gagal status Elite akan hilang dan kembali Status Free.
Kebingungan bagaimana cara aktivasi Hotpost Shield jadi elite? Simak video Cara Aktivasi Status Elite Hotspot Shield ini:

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